For tech/rule questions for this class, contact
Jason Koch @ 540-486-0340
Stock Mini Class Rules
Type of Cars: Mini Vans and 110” max wheelbase cars. No full frame cars. FWD only. V6 engine max.
A. Body
Doors may be welded 5” on 5” off with 3” x ¼” strapping.
You may have ¼” plate on the inside of your front doors running from the bottom of your door bar to the floor beside the driver and front passenger seat for protection. Do not abuse!
Deck lids and tailgates may be welded with a 5” on 5” off rule using ¼” x 3” wide pieces of steel.
Hood may be bolted in 6 places. Bolts may be 5/8” in diameter. Front 2 body mounts may extend through core support and be used as front 2 of the 6 hood bolt with 1” all thread max.
Radiators must be in factory location. You may use 1 layer of expanded metal in front of your radiator.
No interior body seam welding will be permitted. Doors can be welded on outside of body only. On pre-ran cars, the doors may be repaired back to stock. Rust repair is limited to floorboards and roofs only.
Hoods must be open for inspection. Must have a 12" x 12" hole over carburetor.
Original gas tank must be removed and replaced with a boat-type tank or fuel cell. Moved inside of car behind driver’s seat but no further back than rear axle. No stock fuel tanks permitted inside of car.
Batteries must be moved to passenger side floorboard and securely fastened.
Body creasing is permitted.
B. Cage
All cage bars may be 4” x 4” unless specified otherwise. This means they can be 4” x 4” or 2” x 6” or 3” x 5”.
You may have a 4-point cage surrounding the drivers compartment with a roll over bar, sheet metal to sheet metal only. No angling of roll over bars permitted.
Door bars may be no further forward than the firewall and extend rearward no further backward than the front edge of the wheel well.
The bar behind the driver’s seat can sit no further back than 12” from rear of driver’s seat.
Tank protector cannot be wider than 24”. The gas tank protector may go all the way back to the sheet metal. The gas tank protector must stop at the sheet metal in front of where the rear axle and rear seat meet.
You may have a center bar from dash bar to rear seat bar.
You may have 4 vertical down legs no larger than 3” x 3” welded to the door bars down to the floor. No further forward than the firewall. No further backward than the backseat bar.
You may have cage gussets.
Front window bar can run from the roll over bar down to the dash bar. Window bar may be no larger than 2” x 2”. Window bar cannot touch the firewall.
Rear window bar may be no larger than 2” x 2”. Rear window bar may be welded 6” onto the roof from the rear window and 6” onto the trunk, sheet metal to sheet metal only. Rear window bar needs to be 4” from the tank bracket minimum.
C. Bumper
Any factory car bumper is permitted or SMW/DEC style bumper. Bumpers may not be loaded. You may use 2 – 6” x 6” x ¼” mounting plates.
You may seam weld the front bumper; however, we must be able to see inside of them.
You may use a 2” x 6” x ¼” plate to weld front bumper to the frame. 1 per mounting location. These plates must be on the outside of frame.
No metal may be added to rear bumper except for 2 – 6” x 6” x ¼” mounting plates. These plates are to be welded on the bumper for mounting purposes, not to reinforce the frame.
Rear bumper may be seam welded.
Bumpers may be no lower than 14” and no higher than 20” to bottom of bumper.
Bumpers may be hard-nosed.
No bumper shocks.
D. Drivetrain
4- and 6-cylinder engines only.
Carb swap and headers are allowed.
Aftermarket mounts are allowed.
No protectors of any kind, engine or transmission.
1 chain per side (2 total) with 3/8” chain max with one chain link welded to frame per side.
You may use aftermarket steering columns, shifters, custom ignition boxes, transmission cooler, gas and brake pedals.
E. Tires
Skid steer and v tread tires are allowed.
Valve stem protectors are allowed.
Tires may be double.
Solid tires allowed.
Foam filled tires allowed.
No studded tires.
No wheel weights.
No paddle tires.
F. Suspension
Solid suspension is allowed; however, this is not to reinforce any suspension parts, just used for ride height.
Tie rods must remain stock.
Rear trailing arms must remain stock.
Rear axle assembly must remain stock. No reinforcing.
G. Frame
Trailer hitches and braces must be removed.
No plating, pinning, heat treating, or stuffing the frame of any kind.
No welds on frame or k-member may exceed a single 3/8” pass.
No frame creasing of any kind.
No seam welding.
You can notch or crease rear frame. This is to help rear of car roll, not to strengthen the frame.
You may remove the factory front crush zone. You can shorten it back to the front edge of the core support. DO NOT MOVE THE CORE SUPPORT BACK.
If frame section needs to be replaced or repaired due to rust, ask first.
You may clip pre-ran cars with a single butt weld with no metal added. You must use same make and model of frame. To clip a car, you must call to get approval.
All factory holes in frame must remain open. No welding these holes shut.
You may use 2 patch plates total. These plates may be no larger than 4” x 4” x ¼”. These plates must have a 1” gap from bumper mounting plates.